AssetWise Inspections

Additional Filters Tab

Additional filters can be added to the criteria selected to make the query even more exact. To add these filters, click the

Values Returned

The Values Returned dropdown allows the manager to decide whether the query will return assets with only their asset values (the most recent values) or if it will also include current report values.

Filter by Parent Asset

Use the Asset Tree to determine which parent assets to search from when running the query. If no parent assets are selected, the query will run its criteria search over the entire system of assets.

Records Displayed

Use the Records Displayed textbox to determine how many results will be listed per page on the query's report.

Field Groups

The Manage Field Groups link opens the Field Organizer page that allows the manager to create field groups. The field groups group together sets of fields that then appear in the tree when adding a new criterion. This makes it easy to find and select fields that are regularly used in queries.